A Resilient Mother fighting for her Children
In 2018, Vince Diaz and his wife Camille planted a local church in the community and named it “RESILIENT CHURCH” and concurrently while casting vision for the church, they prayerfully decided to initiate the church’s compassion ministry focusing on Foster Care. Not only is this an underserved area of ministry but it is also something that hits very close to home. When Pastor Vince’s wife Camille was an infant, her maternal grandparents were granted Legal Guardianship (Kinship Care) of her due to her mother Nancy Rosario being unable to care for her children. Nancy was chronically mentally ill due to having experienced a traumatic event as a child. Camille was fortunate enough to have been placed in kinship care; however, by the time her younger siblings were born, Camille’s grandparents were just too elderly, sick and fragile and were not able to care for them.
“All of us, including our mom, were victims of circumstances and assailants.”
Her siblings were removed on more than one occasion due to Nancy's health challenges, yet she would fight in court tirelessly until she would be granted custody time and time again. Unfortunately, four of Camille’s siblings aged out in foster care and one of her sisters was adopted. In a statement during the vision casting, Camille stated the following: “All of us, including our mom, were victims of circumstances and assailants. Although we've all experienced so much pain through all of this, not all has been lost. What the enemy meant for harm, is being used for a lot of good today. - Genesis 50:20, we are RESILIENT!”
Since then...
This ministry received a Community Partnership Award at the state level. Unbeknownst to us, we were nominated by Bethany Christian Services and to our surprise we were selected by The Pennsylvania State Resource Family Association as recipients of this award during their 43rd Annual Awards Banquet in Harrisburg, PA in October of 2019. This is not why we do the little that we do; however, we are grateful for this honor, which we pray brings much awareness.
Today, Resilient Ministries continues to operate and is now a Non-profit organization 5013(c).