Dorcas Bags

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These are backpacks or duffel bags filled with comfort and personal care items for infants, children, and youth. Why Dorcas? See Acts chapter 9.

  • Time:
    Active Campaign
  • Camille Diaz
  • 267-298-7286
  • Location:
    Announced Via Social Media

DORCAS Care Bags

Campaign for the “Dorcas Bags” - These are backpacks or duffel bags filled with comfort and personal care items for infants, children, and youth entering the foster care system. Typically, children are given a trash bag to pack up their belongings when they are removed from their homes. We are working to end this practice while providing the essentials for a child’s first few days in foster care. This will not only grant the child comfort but alleviate the new parents in having to rush out to initially shop for these items as they welcome them home.